Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The flu season is back

Its spring in Europe and summer is just round the corner. We Malaysians are facing higgledy piggledy weather. That is one day it’s simmering hot and the other its rains till it can flood.

This weather is just a good concoction for health problems. We go out with t-shirt and shorts thinking its going to be smelting out there , and when we get to the place, the air-conditioning at full blast, but raining cats and dogs…. The body trying to adjust to the temperature change.

Children are the first to be affected by it. They go to school and the spread of ‘flu ‘like symptoms will be easy. Mothers can nag their heads off to get the children to wash their hands and not go near a friend with flu, will find herself talking alone. I happened to get first hand experience of the situation. Being an old mother, aka neurotic about health, makes me more neurotic when I hear him sneezing at home, even though it’s just due to dust.

Nevertheless, being precautious is better. I am now back to grinding betel leaves and bottling them for my son daily use. I will pour on him as last rinse after he bathe in the evening, after back from school. It is a good antiseptic. In the olden days, we will wash ourselves with the juice during our confinement. And the Indians would spit chewed betel leave juice to a wound.

The poor boy would be fed a spoon of limejuice mixed with honey daily and extra virgin coconut oil as natural antibiotic. I try to stay away from antibiotics or any types of steroids given by doctors. In turn I will look out for natural antibiotics, such as the mix of limejuice or garlic or Echinacea from overseas.

The beauty of natural medicine is there is no limit. Though we should not start taking it by gallons. Lime juice is even good for diarrhea, while it sound odd as lime can cause more purging, but it will kill any bacteria in the stomach and purge it out.

Last night, I spoke to my sister-in-law (aka the head nurse and attending doctor for our family) about my thyroid problems. It was because I had a wound on my toe and there’s been infection because I am feeling feverish. She adviced me to go see a doctor, and most probably be given antibiotics. Knowing that, I quickly took some Echinacea tincture, 2 garlic and turmeric pills, wash it with one panadol.

I always advice my friends to take lots of honey and limejuice, and Echinacea pills for topping if they have flue. Drinking tea with ginger will clear the block nose. Although you will notice it is slow in effectiveness but it kills the root of the problem. I also believe, children being children, flue is the most common ailment and nothing wrong in taking preventive measures and too much antibiotics will affect the child’s immune system.

So, beware of weather change, hence temperature changes. It maybe not be as drastic as the Europeans but it is still change.